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What Clients Have Said

"Nat is an extremely talented and gifted coach.  My work with Nat has provided instantaneous, tangible and powerful results which have had positive repercussions in my personal, professional and familial life. Every session leads to a greater insight into how and why I act and behave in a certain way. Her gentle, curious, collegial personality creates a trusting bond and safe space to deal with hard and difficult things. Nat works with you to identify the limiting thoughts and patterns, to eradicate them and instead to reframe your thoughts to ensure you succeed in achieving and realising your goals.   

The aftercare is outstanding. Each session ends with "homework" for you to really cement the new learnings. Nat regularly checks in after each session and works with you to navigate any further feelings/thoughts/emotions which might appear.

I feel incredibly lucky to work with Nat. My partner witnessed first hand the powerful shift in my mindset and is now also a client. I recommend Nats coaching to anyone who is seeking to improve any aspect of their lives."

- E

"I started working with Nat almost 12 weeks ago and I can confidently say it is the best decision I have ever made. Having battled with low self-esteem, negative body image and low confidence all stemming from childhood and various traumas throughout my teenage years, Nat has totally changed my life. Her approach is kind, informative and totally judgement free. She uses incredibly powerful techniques and has taught me how I can use these in my day to day so that the changes are lifelong. With Nat’s help, I have learnt to back myself, to believe that I am worthy of good things and as a result, I now carry an elevated confidence throughout my life. I am so grateful for all of Nat’s help, love and advice and 100% recommend her services."

- E

"Working with Nat has been truly transformational. She helped me get super clear on my goals and how I wanted to see myself in the future (quite literally as we were working on body image and acceptance). Nat asked powerful questions that helped me uncover subconscious limiting beliefs I was blind to! She held space for me and made me feel comfortable to open up and be vulnerable – I discussed things with her that I had not discussed with ANYONE. After our sessions, I left feeling optimistic, hopeful and excited to implement the strategies that Nat suggested. I have never felt better in my own skin and now have the body confidence I never knew existed, all without having to go on extreme diets or crazy exercise plans. If you want to love yourself unconditionally and embrace complete body acceptance, I highly recommend working with Nat!"

- A

"When I first saw Nat I was stuck in a relentless cycle of mess and boredom. I was overwhelmed and had given up on myself. My dream was simply to get the mess under control and feel ok again. After our first session I felt hopeful that I could turn something around – I could see how excited Nat was for my journey, even though I couldn’t yet grasp where it was going. I dutifully attended every session, did all the homework and kept a journal as we went through 12 weeks of looking purposefully at where I wanted to be, what was holding me back, and how I could transform my thinking to get there. Every session was insightful and brought me one step closer to leaving the overwhelm behind. As I look towards my last session I have made meaningful changes to clear my physical and mental space, I have let go of a long held limiting belief about myself and am now in a space where I can dream so much bigger than I imagined. The process, along with Nat’s non judgemental, encouraging and compassionate approach have been the key to unlocking this – and I dare say I will be back to do it all again!"

- S

"I’ve been working with Nat for a few weeks now and am constantly surprised at the new insights that come out of our sessions. This has translated very quickly to changes in my attitudes and direct positive changes to some big life outcomes for me. The level of care and diligence with which Nat has approached the process has been fundamental to keeping me engaged and I highly recommend working with her."

- O

"Nat is so much fun, engaging and extremely positive. She is supportive and helped me become the best version of myself when I had lost sight of that person. I was calm after the trainings, I slept well and woke up refreshed and positive. She allowed me to discover challenges which were holding me back and gave me powerful tools to counterbalance these. Thank you, Nat!"

- H

"Nat has been so incredibly supportive, generous with her time, energy and attention and I simply cannot thank her enough for these last few months working together on a chosen goal of mine. She is thoughtful, kind, relentlessly optimistic with the most admirable positive attitude. I always feel uplifted and energised after any chat with her and I can't recommend her highly enough to anyone looking to make small or big changes in their lives... Thanks for being my number one cheerleader Nat!"

- L

"I started working with Nat knowing that I needed some help to reach my full potential but not actually knowing what type of help I needed. To start with I signed up to the first 4 weeks and had zero concept of what was going to happen over the course and If I needed I would continue.

Well turns out this was to become one of the most powerful things I have ever done in my life. It has changed my life in ways I never knew needed changing.

My thought patterns have changed to remove self-imposed obstacles and during the course of the 12 weeks I have become so deeply in tune with who I am and what I want, that I can honestly say I feel happier in life. I don’t say this lightly, as before this course I was content and happy but now I feel it to my core.

I describe the sessions as a bit of meditation, a bit of therapy a bit of questioning yourself and a whole lot of reflection. The way she poses questions to you that make you draw out your own answers is truly an art. This is something I never knew I need but am so grateful it fell upon me at age 31 as I can now live the rest of my life knowing who I am and being secure and clear on what I can do. If your on the fence about doing it, I say leap."  

- B

"Before I started working with Nats, I felt very stuck with a lack of self confidence and energy, particularly in terms of work and what I wanted to do / be. Over the course of the 12 week programme, Nats taught me a range of tools to combat these feelings, help me change my outlook on life and work and ultimately allow me to be open to new opportunities and aspects of life that made me happy. Nats was absolutely incredible as a coach - her down-to-earth and personable nature, coupled with her innate sense for the positive and wonderful things in life, made every session impactful and helped me create real, lasting change. Her meditations and personal visualisations in the sessions were incredible and really shifted my moods completely - I came out of each session with a completely different mindset and confidence. Her programme was the best thing I've done for myself in a long time and I'm using the tools I learnt with Nats every day to create a happier, more positive outlook to life and really enjoy each day, the work I'm doing and the goals I want to achieve. I really didn't want the programme to end - I looked forward to each weekly session and working with Nats."

- A

"Nat has been brilliant at helping me bring clarity to my life. She is such a positive influence and has helped me to move forward from times of feeling stuck. Crucially she has helped me to articulate what it is that I want, which is a major transformation in my life. I could not recommend Nat highly enough - don’t hesitate, sign up with her now!"

- C

"I originally came to Nat when I was having a crisis of confidence. I'd exhausted all my ideas on how to get out of this rut and decided to explore life coaching.

It's been AMAZING. Over the past 12 weeks I honestly feel unrecognisable. At times it's been confronting and uncomfortable but it's so worth how you feel after every session: lighter, freer and clear minded. It's all about growing and accepting yourself from the point you're at now, it's looking forward not looking back.

I highly recommend Nat for anyone that has that niggle that there is a better way to live their life, for anyone seeking greater happiness or suffering from anxiety. She's a wizard!!" 

- Z

"It’s been an unexpected but truly enlightening 12-week journey with Nat proving that with an open mind, we can be limitless. After initially seeking some help to bring a bit of prioritisation and focus into my life, we discovered there was much more laying below the surface preventing a holistically balanced life.

Nat’s positive and empathetic energy allowed me to be vulnerable and explore previously ignored aspects of my intrinsic limiting beliefs to remove blockages for future growth. I’ve not only noticed a huge change myself, but people close to me have also noticed a big shift and have commented that my refreshed energy and learnings have helped them."

- L

"Working with Nat was truly such a beautiful experience. The growth and confidence that I gained from our sessions was amazing. Over the whole 12 week period I honestly felt like I levelled up even more each time. Her positive approach to her work and wanting to help others feel better within their own lives is so lovely and makes you want to have more of it in your life. I'm so grateful I got to work with Nat and the difference she has made for me with opening my mind to what the world has to offer. It was the best decision I have ever made to go on this journey with her and I know that with everything that I got out of our sessions, I also have made a beautiful friend too. I can't recommend her enough to all my friends and family. I'm so glad I took the opportunity to learn more about myself and develop the skills to create my best life and it was all possible with of Nat"

- T


I've worked with Natalie over the course of a few months and can't recommend going through this process with her highly enough.

She helped me cut through the noise and get the core of what's going on with me mentally, physically, professionally and emotionally. I was also able to identify a clear path to more fulfilment, direction, motivation and general positivity through practical goal setting, combined with unwavering accountability and support.

Thank you for all the amazing energy, empathy and good vibes Nat!"

- C

“Being passionate about personal growth and mental health, I’ve worked with Nat over the past few months covering Time Line Therapy® and parts integration - it has been the most rewarding months of my life! Nat creates such a safe and collaborative space and no two sessions are the same. Each session was so empowering and productive I leave the space feeling more self-empowered and excited about life. Since then, Nat has helped me seek clarity in my thoughts, be more present to support the people around me, and have been hitting some real life goals. I highly recommend everyone to be a part of this to live a more fulfilled and motivated life - doing better 1% every day! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”

- X

"Nat does an amazing job of listening to you and walking you through her techniques such as creating anchors and timeline therapy. She walks you through the correlation between your physical and mental being and helps you to look at life with a different and more beneficial perspective.

Nat takes time to look in depth at your feelings,  helps you find the route cause, and walks you through changing the mindset of each event from the past in which you have experienced that particular feeling, in order to help you feel more in control and at peace in the future. 

I found this particularly beneficial for my Chronic fatigue, I have managed to let go of the limiting beliefs that were using my energy, and have allowed myself to separate the condition from my identity."

- F

"I visited Nat to address my anxiety and lack of confidence at work which has been affecting my personal life and overall happiness.  Nat immediately put me at ease during our session together, asking relevant questions and encouraging me to explore my feelings further so she could suggest the right course of action. I wasn't sure what to expect from Hypnosis, but Nat had the ability to completely relax my mind (not easy for a stress-head like me) and I left the session feeling so much calmer, more empowered, and able to handle stressful situations with a more positive mindset. She also gave me suggestions and tools which I could take with me outside of our session - easy actions to help reinforce positive change every day. Thank you Nat!"

- K

“Nat is the most warming, kind, gentle, positive and inspiring person and has a genuine passion and desire to help others. She has been so incredibly supportive during my experience of time-line therapy(r) and I felt safe and comfortable working with her. I would hugely recommend putting your trust in Nat and letting her help you transform your life.”

- L

"Nat's exceptional talent and expertise as a coach is truly remarkable. 

Each coaching session with Nat has been a revelation, providing me with deeper insights into the root causes of my thoughts, feelings, and actions. Her gentle and supportive demeanour has created a safe space for me to confide in her and open up about experiences that I have never shared with anyone before.

Nat's expertise lies in identifying the subconscious core limiting beliefs that hold us back and empowering us to reframe them, enabling us to realize our true potential and achieve our goals.

What sets Nat apart is her commitment to her clients' well-being and her regular follow-up after each session to ensure that we are on track and accountable for the actions we promised to take. The 12-week coaching program went by in a flash, and I genuinely miss our sessions. The change in my mindset has been profound, and I now feel lighter, more positive, and more in control of my life."

I cannot recommend Nat's coaching services highly enough to anyone seeking greater happiness or a change in mindset. She is a gifted coach whose expertise and compassionate approach will help you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

- R

"I used to feel very depressed, constantly anxious, overwhelmed with stress, anger issues, extreme fatigue, social detachment—you name it, I had it. This has been a significant challenge for me, and it has impacted my relationships at work, at home, and with the people closest to me.

At the start of my sessions with Nat, I jumped in without even believing that I could change, as I had identified myself with all these issues I was experiencing. However, in less than two months, Nat helped me disassociate myself from those beliefs. She helped me identified the root causes of my issues, solidified my goals, and helped me gain a clear understanding of what I want and who I want to become.

She's a true professional who knows what she's doing, and the level of care and service she provides is exceptional. I can feel my progress after every single session with her, and I still can't believe how far I've come through my sessions with her.

I highly recommend working with Nat, especially trying her Time Line Therapy sessions. They are extremely powerful and have helped me let go of feelings that were no longer serving me."

- C

"I honestly believe everyone needs a Nat in their lives. It’s like talking to your best friend, someone who is whole-heartedly behind you and your missions, and completely without judgement. She made me feel so confident and for the first time in a long time I felt I had direction and a purpose, which is felt so empowering. I was amazed that the simple techniques used during our sessions resulted in such a powerful shift. Nat was always so upbeat and positive on our calls and I left them feeling so great and energised."

 - S

"Nat was the angel I so desperately needed. She helped me discover and unlock things I didn’t even know existed, and most importantly she helped me release so much that didn’t serve me. My life and outlook has changed beyond measure in such a short period of time. Nat’s approach is encouraging, supportive and hands-on, and together we worked through big and small beliefs, emotions and feelings.

I feel so lucky to have met a practitioner who offers a variety approaches, to help me find the things I had buried along the way. Most importantly I feel lucky to have some found someone I connect with and trusted. We laughed, I cried, and together we moved some of the mountains in my world. For that I will forever be grateful."

- E

“Nat has been the most supportive and helpful friend and coach I could ever have hoped for during these last few weeks during a particularly transformational period. Her kindness knows no bounds and she always goes above and beyond to help you achieve the results you seek and live the life you desire to live. No dream is ever too big to be out of reach... Thank you Nat.”

- L

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